Monday, September 15, 2008

My Birthday^^

13th of september is my birthday... i was having a quite good and memorable birthday in this year^^... my friend got give me a piece of cake(really a cake... not shit ==lll) at 12 am...

After a small celebration at 12 am i went to sleep... then i go to KL with my friend which is Vergil and baba(Kira)... at 10am morning... we go to shopping in many shopping center... after that we go to meet my cousin and eat chicken rice... and we eat ota also^^... my two little cousin is very beautiful.... but not cute then me>///<... wahaha....

after that we come back to inti at night...i had a very happy birthday this year... hope i will become more cute and more beautiful so that i can attract more lengcai... wahahaha....

thats all... hope u all leave comment ya^^... see you^^... wahahahahahahahaha


Sam said... no heart..people celebrate birthday to you and you say like this? Very sad lo..wahahahaa..just joking.

Anyway..hope you get what you want this year. =)

hideki1987 said...

Happy super super belated bday girl

sjovie said...

sorry just read ur blog today. happy belated birthday lo.. haha

lui lui said...

thankx all.......^^

kyLe said...

sorry just read ur blog.. happy belated birthday.. im 12th of sept wahaha..

Anonymous said...

Happy bday ... ^^